This goes to show that a sign can actually mean so much, so much can be read into it. Like what it means, who decides what it means, our perception of a sign. I'll go on to explain it.
Jesus, that boy's a genius. He's right, why is it that our 3rd finger refers to something vulgar, who gets to decide that it can't be the 2Nd finger? Even better, who gets to choose that saying or doing something vulgar is wrong?
The problem with this world is that Men, set these selfish rules and pass down silly ideologies for the pure sake of evil desire to morph the world into what they can call 'mine'. Just who invented right or wrong? Benjamin Franklin probably could not even tell that it was a bright spark above their head when it was invented.
Due to the rules of what is right or wrong, we have to conform to certain mainstream expectations. How to speak, how to dress, not to steal, not to burp, it is a list so long it could even touch the grounds of a bottomless pit.
It is so tiring to live up to society's expectations, with the fact that no one can actually prove that this is how we should be living, I have a proposal. We should all stop complaining and start contributing to society. Show the world that we can create change, stop giving the stink eye to the girl with the purple hair and stop judging her and other people. For it is because of the fear of judgement, that the society rules of right and wrong are so greatly reinforced.

Easier said than done I would say, easier said than done.
Haha you can say that again. It's quite amazing if you think some of the existing ideologies today probably have been carried forward from the previous centuries! I'm sure sexism, racism have their roots derived from the ancient times too! Some are slowing eroding though but others will take a little more time. Sad to say, the middle finger shown by your brother is...quite universal; I'll expect that to stay for some time still. :p
Wow, your brother power lar... Dare to give his teacher the finger!
Anyway these ideologies are sort of hard wired into our brains when we are born and it will indeed not be easy to change them... Even if we try to change them now, the effect could probably only be seen in the next generation.
Wow at your brother man.
Ahh yea i guess those ideologies were taught to us when we were much younger. Its true there is no right and wrong but i guess its all about respect and how you feel about doing all those things.
well noted sociologist emile durkheim did say that society is a structure that we are all binded and guided by. At its foundations are such ideologies.
ask yourself y r u in skool?
is it 2 get a certificate so you can get a good job? who said that only by going to skool you can get a good job? did yr mum say dat? or yr elders or peers? hhmm... so we r binded by the ideology that if we go 2 skool n get certificates then we r smart enuff 2 get a good job n earn well? (waitin 4 yr reply clarissa :>)
I would always like to ask this questions, how long is long, how short is short? If someone set the standard of anything more than 8cm is long and anything less than that is short, and another person set a different standard of say 6cm, can we say the 1st person’s standard is the right one and the 2nd person is wrong??? Actually both standards are acceptable, depends on which one you subscribe to?
What I’m trying to say is, it is all about relativity. When it comes to expressing ourselves be it through art, fashion or language, I personally feel that trying to question the right or wrong of it will only limit our perception and reality of life. To me, expression can be boundless. Do we want to constantly live within the self create “frame”?
I personally feel that the one thing Singapore is “successful” in is having too many systems in place! This makes the thinking and behaviour of people in a way too mechanical and less human. I’m not trying to advocate for all rules and laws to be eliminated! The key here is balance! Just observe how creative and how adventurous we are as compare to our brothers and sisters from the other parts of the world and gauge for yourself. I just feel that the Singapore society is being too orderly and well taken care of, are we really prepared for any crisis in future? These are just a few questions that we should start reflecting upon.
And yes, I do agree that we should stop complaining(Singaporeans are also well known for that!) and start contributing towards the greater benefit of the country.
Anyway these are just my 2cm worth of thoughts…
HIHI! :) i like what you've just said. No one should judge and decide, because what matters is what we feel. Why bother doing something we don't feel it's right?
Then again, there are stuff we do not like, but still we have to do them. Irony laaaaaaaaaa!
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